Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Artists' Boutique in Kirkwood, Missouri

We are preparing for the Artists' Boutique at the Kirkwood Community Center, Kirkwood Missouri this weekend. Among many talented artists, Paper Petals Studio will be exhibiting and selling our stationery and introducing my new custom prints that are available. Doris (my mom) will be selling my fathers pencil sketch prints as well. Take a walk in Kirkwood Park this weekend and stop in the Artists' Boutique.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Modern Castle

Today we spent the day raking leaves and trimming branches at the Thias house in Sunset Hills. I love the steps, pathways and planting boxes that my father built by hand out of Missouri limestone pieces from the creek at the back of the property.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Circles and Lines

Tools that E J Thias used to make circles and lines.